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    里面有离心离合器,当角速度快的时候,摆锤向外摆出,产生制动效果。 传统的拨盘电话机里面的调速器、柴油机传统调速器、拖拉机传统调速器、坦克引擎传统调速器,都是这个结构。 传统的拨盘电话机里面的调速器通过摩擦产生调试作用。 引擎的调速器将摆锤的动作通过杠杆、铰链变为轴向的推力,驱动和控制油门、风门、蒸汽火车引擎的高压蒸汽比例阀,是一种比例调节器。 The next generation keyboard, future keyboard! challenge and subverting the global computer keyboard, keyboard music instruments in 25 years ago, The pioneer of the Chinese people firstly entered this area. who sent it into the modern house of CEO of Microsoft? To challenge AT&T of the United States by improving communication deficiencies Improving communication deficiencies, Chinese people challenge AT&T of the United States.

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